I've been driving for Uber since the end of November. Based on my personal observations and experience, Female drivers SUCK! Please allow me to explain. I've seen too many females: putting on make up, TEXTING, speeding up to prevent other drivers from merging, etc... You all belong on public transportation not behind the wheel of a potentially deadly weapon! Allow me to break it down.
Make up: You are not sitting in a spa chair! You are sitting behind the wheel of a 3,000+ pound vehicle! Get your freaking ass out of bed 30 minutes earlier and put your damn makeup on at home! How beautiful do you imagine you'll Look with blood running down your face after it breaks the windshield? Not to mention the innocent drivers around you that you're putting at risk! Selfish WITCH!
Texting: What the hell is so important that you are putting innocent lives at risk instead of watching the road? NOTHING! Let me clue you in. Keep in mind the following only applies if your phone is secured in a holder. There is a feature on phones today called talk to text. It involves the built in microphone on phones these days. It requires no typing. Learn how to use it or KEEP YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF THE KEYBOARD WHILE YOU ARE DRIVING!
Preventing others from merging: Okay real life situation from a few weeks ago. I'm on the street that runs by University HS. There was some last minute work being done in the right hand lane. Right at the intersection of the light where you turn into the school. As such, there was a last minute arrow directing traffic to merge left. Just as it was my legal turn to merge over, this young girl in a black Audi (wish dearly I had the plate to post) decides to speed up, pushes in front of my car, forcing me to stop or hit the cones! She proceeded to turn into the HS leading me to believe she's a new driver with Daddy's car. Listen up sweet cheeks, lucky for you my car being out of commission for repairs would have been a bigger cost than teaching you a lesson. Believe it 100% you would have been guilty if I'd allowed you to hit my car. Smarten up young lady or the next driver you act so aggressively towards may not be so nice! Guaranteed Daddy's money isn't going to buy a suspended license back! Karma is coming baby!
Okay this last part applies to all. There is a magic little stick on the steering column. When you push it up or down, a blinking light magically appears at the front and back of your car that lets others know your intention to either turn or switch lanes. Most mornings, I forget to add my special mind reading powder to my coffee thus in using this magic little stick, you just may avoid causing an accident and thus huge headaches all around. Such an easy thing. Little effort. One last thing, if you enjoy the last minute cut overs, instead of planning ahead and getting in the proper lane, it's not my job to allow you to cut in. If you miss your exit...Tough crap! Now let's all try to be a little less selfish on the road! Safe driving!